Psalm 16:1 Keep and protect me, O God, for in You I have refuge, and in You do I put my trust and hide myself.

Hi Everyone!
Well, I am writing because I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!
Thursday of the past week, August 5th my families world has turned
upside down.
I was driving in Hawaii… and I called my mom to talk to her. She
answers the phone hysterically crying. My brother's baby, Mason, my
nephew that was born while I was in Hawaii was just omitted to the ICU
in Jacksonville. Not knowing if he was going to make it, they started
a full blood transfusion and chemo right away once they discovered
late Thursday that he had developed a rare form of Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia. That afternoon I resigned from my job and today I arrived
home. I will be moving to Jacksonville by the end of the week to help
my brother. (if you know of a job, I need one.)
Mason will have to receive blood transfusion and platelets for the
next 3 years. He will go through one full year of chemo and we are
praying that be does not need a bone marrow transplant. I match his
blood type of O- . I cannot give blood the doctors say because I
have to be test for being a “Match” for a bone marrow transplant.
You might be asking now, how did your brother and Erica realize he had
something wrong? How does a little baby only 4 months old get this?
A cross in chromosome caused it while he was developing. The
doctors said that he would not have lived pass this month if they had
not caught it.
The first signs was when my brother was playing with him one day
and his hands were putting black and blue marks on his body. He was
starting to get bloated, but we all just thought he was eating too
much. Yet, it was his liver that was expanding. When they took him
for his 4 month old check up Erica, my sister in law, told the doctor
that he was losing his coloring and they took blood from him and he
had little to no good blood cells. (I can't remember if it was white or
red, I am too overwhelmed at this point) So they admitted him that
morning to ICU and started treatments right away.
Now, our family stands in the midst of a storm that surrounds a little
four month old boy that we all love to death. It is so hard for us,
as we are all chiefs in our family and everyone likes to take control.
We cannot control what has happened. We all now must trust in God
and the doctors to heal him. He lays in a little baby bed in a
hospital in Jacksonville with other children with cancer. No one but
my brother, Erica, her mom, and my mom can hold him. If anyone even
walks in the room we must all wear suits and masks. Passing germs to
him could be deadly at this point they say. He has wires everywhere
and he hates it. His whole body is swollen so they try not to hold
him much as he screams because it hurts. He will remain in the
hospital for the next 36 days receiving blood transfusions everyday
and go through his round of chemo. He will hopefully be able to come
home for one week after that only to return again.
Mason is a strong little boy… he is a NORVELL. He is stubborn and a
fighter! But he does need your prayers and your help if you can give
it. Mason needs platelets and blood for the next 3 years. I can
donate none at this point due to being his blood type. Buying blood
can be very expensive. Erica must return to work next week so that
they can keep him on her insurance. My brother will eventually have
to return to work as well.
As of now, he does not take a whole pint, but they have set up an account at
“The Blood Alliance” Blood bank in Jacksonville. Why not Florida
blood bank? Because Blood Alliance is who services all of Jacksonville
and southern Georgia.
Even if you do not match O- we can use your blood and if you are
willing, your platelets. They have an account and Mason will get
credit for any type that is donated. They transfer pint for pint, and
platelets he gets 20% credit towards a treatment. If it is O- it is
an even swap.
Please if you live in the area or you know someone who lives in the
Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Southern Georgia area… if you can mention
to them about Mason. Please, and I am asking from my heart… my family
is asking you to please help us. All the money in the world cannot
buy Mason health right now. But people coming together and donating
can help tons. All you have to say is that you are there to donate for
“Mason Norvell” even if you don’t qualify to give (due to tattoos,
traveling, pregnant), just you walking in and offering, Mason will get
We know God is in control, but we must do the work so he can provide
the results.
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