Last week the little guy's Mom and Dad decided to take him out of one of his preschools. Nothing against the school, he just wasn't happy there. It was the all day, 8:00-4:00 that had him so upset. He called it his "long" school and the other one (9:00-12:00) is his "short" school. He cried on the weekends when he would ask if he had to go to the "long" school, he cried before bed, he cried when he woke up, he cried when he was dropped off, he cried during the day at the "long" school. His brother went there last year and their parents were very pleased. The only thing he would tell us is that he didn't want to stay there all day and lay down on his mat and take a nap there. Sometimes, it just isn't worth it! His Mom and Dad have made other arrangements and he is very pleased with that.
However, he loves his "short" school where KK picks him up after only three hours. The school really downplays birthdays. I guess all the hoopla gets the kids hyped up and out of their routine. They do allow you to bring in a special snack to share so that is exactly what we did. The little guy's brother has severe food allergies so the allergist recommended that he stay away from all artificial food dyes and tree nuts since those are the things that have caused brother's anaphalatic reactions and sent him to the hospital. Their Mommy has gotten very creative with coloring icing with fruits and veggies. (The best icing is made with fresh peeled strawberries but it is a beautiful shade of pink and unfortunately we aren't baking for little girls!) There are a couple of colors you can purchase at the health food store that are "safe" but they cost around $12.00 for a 1-2 oz. bottle. We get sprinkles for them that are expensive enough.
He wanted spider man cupcakes so Mommy did the best she could. They tasted yummy and the kids and teachers loved them. He had balloons and blowers for each child.
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